Lord of the rings: Last minute changes and Outsourcing

So as a last minute decision, I ended up changing the ring I wanted to go forward with. I went off it based from the second thumbnail from the concept sketches and built more on to it to make it more complex. This is my proof sheet for it: For the final ring, I had to do a lot of experimenting on the flowers and the leaves. During this whole process, the flow command did not like me at all, but i managed to find a way to make it work. Here are the renders: So the thing I was most worried for was probably how the ring would turn out in shapeways. Since I had a lot of thin parts of the ring. I was wondering if I'd have many fixes to do once I check the tolerance test. At first there was a lot of red places but once I changed the material to 'Smooth Fine Detail Plastic' it turned out fine. There's some little red parts, but I don't think it'll affect the final product all too much. So I think I'll risk it. :D